Summer/fall sketchbook

Just a collection of pages from my sketchbook over the last half year. Enjoy!

Drawings of a bunch of robots and a little bug-like airplane. Mostly just black ink line art, but one of them is partly colored in with various neon markers.
Trying to design mechs for my Lancer RPG character. The colored one is copied directly from official art, but the others are my own design attempts. Also, at bottom right, sketched a funky little airplane from Gundam.
Two sketchbook pages. Left side has colored pencil and marker drawings including a dinosaur in water. Right page has a swirly ethereal stick figure, a red apple, and a dejected-looking person wearing a spiky jacket and fluffy skirt and knee high boots.
And that's my Lancer character on the right!
Three line drawings of anime characters in pencil. One is Ramuda winking and sticking out his tongue, the next is the same character eating a lollipop looking thoughtful, and last is Hifumi making a cat face grin.
Fanart of Ramuda and Hifumi from the very cheesy anime HypMic.
Two sketchbook pages with rough line sketches of a storefront and cafe seating.
Some studies of cafe scenery that I did to get ideas for a background for a visual novel project.
Two sketchbook pages. Left: loose line drawing of fireplace logs. Right: line drawing of a little cottage with a porch and a deck over a river and a bunch of flowers in front.
Two pages of abstract, whimsical doodles. Lots of drippy shapes, and imagery of swords, eyes, a pillar, a candle.
Turned off my brain and just doodled anything that came to mind (or hand).
Left: brainstorming designs for Halloween merch for Prototype Pgh. Right: a sketch of my grandmom (and some tic tac toe I played with her lol, and a note from her).
Two drawings: a pink-haired anime boy sticking out his tongue again (it's Ramuda again), and then a dark-haired person wearing a swirly-patterned vest. Also little doodles of a snake and lizard in the corner.
More of Ramuda from HypMic, and my OC from Palia.

The following are all fanart for the game Palia, which I spent much of August and September obsessing over.

Line drawings of Tish (a girl with long flowing hair wearing a tool apron over a dress) and Reth (a winking boy with tightly curled hair).
My first attempts to draw Tish and Reth.
Four sketches of Jel from Palia (a fancy guy in a vest and ascot with little glasses), two where he's sitting at a sewing machine, one with Reth leaning his chin on Jel's shoulder.
Practicing with Jel at his sewing machine (and a bonus Reth).
Five more line drawings of the same character from above.
My first drawings of Jel--five sketches off the same reference image!
Another headshot of Jel again, and a headshot of Tamala, a lady with big curly hair and an hourglass necklace.

(PS, Palia is a free game that I recommend trying out! You can even join on my referral link if you want. :D)